// Fjellsko og engangshansker
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Fjellsko og engangshansker

Fem sykepleierstudenter fra HiST på praksisopphold i Nepal

Thank you, Nepal!

Kategori: Ukategorisert | 0 kommentarer » - Skrevet Friday 3. April , 2015 kl. 23:01

Today I’m leaving Dhulikhel

This country is great and treated me well

Traffic is crazy and roads are steep

Mountains are high and valleys deep

People smile and give a helping hand

Buffalos are used to plough the land

In dokos they carry everything

I saw a patient was carried in it like a king

She had been carried for many hours

Up the hills among rhododendron flowers

I’ve tried to learn a few words nepali

And I often go to the temple of Kali

But still culture is hard to learn

Children they marry and bodies they burn

Three months passed and we did just fine

But a plane crashed on the landing line

It’s sad to leave this wonderful place

But I’ll look back at some unforgettable days

– Ingrid, 01.04.15


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